Saturday, November 29, 2008


Sakit perut...panik...stress...especially when deadline is near.In life,we also bonded with deadline without realising.Birthday,payday,anniversary, all deadline.

Its the lastday for November2008.Tomorrow is December the first,last month in our calender for 2008.We have another 1month to go to fulfill what we wish for.New year resolution?!We tend to forget about it troughout the year and only remember all the commitment we wish to do at the end of the year...Deadline!!

I've once said to my self to be a good muslim,understand deeper the Kalamullah and ofcourse to be richer in terms of knowledge,health,wealth before the year end.As usual,tak pernah cukup.

1 month to go...masa terus berjalan tanpa menoleh kebelakang.
Bila bicara tentang agama,masa cukup cemburu.
'Demi masa,sesungguhnya manusia sentiasa dalam kerugian'
pegang...sentuh...capai...tenung apa saja yang kita mahu sekarang!
Appriciate what we have before it too late..

Friday, November 28, 2008

Trading Forex..alahai...

Duit duit,dimana kau duit,
Duit duit,hutang ku membukit,
Duit duit.... (Dr. SAM,Saya anak malaysia)

Dr Sam pun tak da jawapan.Tu lah lani dok nampak Dr Sam kat masjid Bukit Indah each time solat kat sana.Regular man kat sana sebab dah tension cari duit,dia pun jadi tabliq...pelaburan hari akhirat.

Pelaburan banyak maksudnya.Pelaburan dari segi masa wang dan harta....tapi sejak duit di KelabuHitamkan oleh CPO,terduduk jugak terkenang untuk melabur dengan erti kata yang sebenar...Forex Trading...MMMMmmmm...memang best!

Demo Account is a platfom to start.As my sifu said,belasah je,baru tau macam mana rasa.Kena anggap Demo account as if you are trading using your own money,baru ada makna.If you trade depend on luck...when you depend on luck,is like a game.Winning a game is fun,but when you lose...its hurt so much especially when involve money.

As for now,i am so into gila habaq hang!in a few second u gain usd20....and ofcourse in a few second you can pokai!Tapi itu yang syok tu...

Apapun lani nak cari duit,belajar trading,subscribe internet and trade!Fuihh,mesti best gila boleh trading kat rumah,pakai kain,buka baju and earn a living!

Wish me silap,cannot depend on luck.So doakan kejayaan saya!!
Lani apalagi...LA la la kerja!!